Routines & Rituals of BEST People in the World

Explore the daily routines, rituals, and habits of the world’s best entrepreneurs, athletes, doctors, scientists, celebrities, and more, unveiling secrets to success, well-being, and exceptional performance.

Explore Routines

Routine is Everything❤️

Transform your life effortlessly with Routine Bias — your go-to resource for improving fitness and longevity through adopting good routines and habits. Whether it’s morning routines, nutrition, sleep, eating habits, or Ayurveda, each article delivers reliable insights and actionable advice.

Practical Insights

All routines are designed to bring purpose and significance to one’s life, enhancing well-being and productivity.

Data of Internet Personalities, Athletes & Entrepreneurs

You will get insights on how routine affects health, success, productivity, and well-being, providing actionable advice for personal improvement.

Practical Steps for Implementing Successful Routines

You get clear, unbiased guidance to implement routines that lead to fitness, productivity and personal growth.

Experts Advice for Sustainable Habits

In some sections, you’ll find guidance from professionals or experts in their fields on establishing habits or routines in life.

Products, Books & Supplements

You’ll find recommendations for products, supplements, and books used by people like Andrew Huberman, Bill Gates, Bryan Johnson, and others.

Why Routine?

Because it works – Try yourself!

A routine helps you improve life in different ways – stay healthy, organized and productive.

A good routine includes daily exercise, eating well (focusing on nutrition), getting enough sleep, and practising meditation. Moreover, it boosts confidence, promotes positivity, and enhances longevity.

Readers are ❤️

Believe in the power of routines—they bring structure and clarity to life, helping you unlock your full potential.

30+ Routines & Habits

Read over 30 routines, habits and supplements articles.

5,873 Readers/Month

We are growing for good. Started to help individuals with routines – Routines Bias gets 5k readers/month.

12,521 People Appreciated

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