Bryan Johnson’s Anti-Aging Travel Routine: Essentials Supplements and Products

Here’s how Bryan Johnson travels the world with an Anti-Aging travel bag.

Bryan, as you are familiar, is a crazy tech guy spending millions of dollars a year to DON’T DIE or should I say slow the speed of aging.

Earlier, Routine Bias also covered Bryan’s daily routine, including important supplements he prefers to maintain his protocol.

According to Bryan, managing protocols while travelling is a challenging task.

This article focuses on the details of Bryan Johnson’s travel routine, what he packs in his suitcase, what he eats, and what supplements he takes to follow the DON’T DIE protocol.

Note: Bryan usually doesn’t prefer long trips just because of his routine.

Travel Oral Care

Bryan’s oral care routine is extensive, but he can’t follow the entire routine while travelling. Let’s find out what’s in his travel bag for oral hygiene.

It’s possible I have the most extensive oral care of anyone on planet Earth.

— Bryan Johnson

Electric Toothbrush

“I have two Electric Toothbrushes with Soft Brush Head one I keep for trips and one I use at home because I don’t want to take everything all the time pack it and unpack it. However, you can start with a normal toothbrush too.”

Growing up, I only had a manual toothbrush, but when I used an electric one in my twenties, it was a game-changer. I’m not sure why I didn’t have one earlier, but electric toothbrushes are fantastic.”

Traditional Floss

“I prefer 2 types of oral flossing – Water and Traditional. Carrying water floss everywhere is inconvenient, so I prefer handy traditional floss.”

“I use a specific brand “DrTungs Floss” because a study showed it offers 25% greater plaque control compared to other brands. Earlier, I was using Oral B Care.”

What is Traditional Flossing?

In traditional flossing, you get a thin and flexible Nylon or Teflon string to clean between the teeth. It helps to remove plaque and remaining food particles. The process includes:

  • Cut-off 18-inch string length (18 inches is recommended for perfect cleaning and hold). However, some brands are offering pre-cut strings in the packing.
  • Wrap both ends of stings around your fingers and leave a few inches of floss to work with.
  • Gently start sliding the sting between the teeth using a back-and-forth motion, curving it around each tooth in a C-shape.
  • You should also clean along your gum line.

Note: Use a clean sting for each Tooth.

Fluoride Free Toothpaste

Bryan doesn’t recommend or use any chemical-heavy toothpaste. However, he sometimes prefers Sensodyne to deal with sensitivity issues.

“I use Dr. Collins Biomin Tooth Sensitivity Toothpaste & Sensodyne Toothpaste. Each toothpaste is fluoride-free. I have two other versions, but these travel-sized ones are perfect for the trip.”

Lip Moisturizer

I recently learned that keeping the lips moisturized is important, something I didn’t practice in my childhood. So, in a way, I’m reliving my childhood with you as I pack, sharing things I wish I had known earlier. I prefer Blistex – you can pick your favourite lip brand on Amazon or any other platform.”

Tongue Scraper

“I use DrTungs Tongue Scraper in my daily routine.

“It is one of the important parts of my oral care routine. Surprisingly, I didn’t start using a tongue cleaner until my thirties, but cleaning the tongue is one of the best things you can do for oral hygiene and to combat bad breath, as the tongue holds a lot of bacteria. I use it in the morning and before going to bed.”

Olive Oil

“I consume Blueprint’s Single-Source Premium Extra Virgin Olive Oil in my daily routine.”

“Depending on the travel duration, I carry Olive oil in my travel suitcase.”

“For those who don’t know, Blueprint’s Olive oil elevates your well-being with high polyphenol premium. Our cold-pressed extraction method preserves maximum nutrients with other required essentials so that you experience health in every drop.”

Travel Hair Care

Like age, Bryan has also reversed his hair.

Red Light Cap

“Normally, I wouldn’t bring my Red Light Cap if I were travelling for just a day or two, as it’s too much to carry, especially in a carry-on. But for long trips/vacations, I prefer to use it in my daily routine.”

“I use this cap every day for 6 minutes in the morning.”

Custom Hair Growth Solution

“I use a custom formulation from a company called Roots.”

“I did a genetic test to determine which treatments my scalp would respond better for preventing hair loss and promoting hair growth.

“Roots is a custom formulation that includes minoxidil, melatonin, and other ingredients tailored specifically for me.”

GR7 Hair Care Solution

“I use GR7 for my grey hair.”

Kera Factor

“I use the Kera factor to address my hair thinning and promote hair growth. It contains a blend of bioactive peptides, vitamins/minerals with different growth factors to target scalp and hair follicles to stimulate hair regeneration.”

Patrick’s Hair Shampoo

Patrick’s Hair Shampoo is specifically made for men’s hair. Although, I don’t think it makes a huge difference in hair care in my overall hair care protocol. I’ve used different shampoo brands over the years, and currently using Patrick’s.

“I don’t think I’ll probably change it again in the future.”

Hair Comb

“No fancy stuff here, I use a normal $8-Dollar Comb that you can buy from Amazon or your local store.

Hair Gel or Cream

“Typically, I don’t put anything inside my scalp or on my hair. Always prefer quality when it comes to applying anything on your hair, I use American Crew Hair Gel.

Scalp Massager

“I recently started using a Scalp Massager. It increases blood flow to my scalp, aiding to my hair growth protocol. I use it for 1 to 2 minutes daily in the morning and night.

Travel Skin Care

Face Cleanser

“I use CeraVe Facial Cleanser for my acne control. It contains salicylic acid and other important ingredients. So far, this regimen has been amazing; despite my laser treatments causing breakouts, the low-dose Accutane has eliminated my blemishes. As a result, I’ve had no blemishes since starting it, which has been wonderful.”

Elevai Exosomes

“I’ve also been using Elevai Exosomes in my skincare routine. People might be familiar with exosomes from dermatological treatments, where they are sometimes paired with facials. Elevai has developed a special daily version. I’ve been trying it for 12 weeks now, applying it morning and night. It effectively reduces UV damage and improves skin scores, like redness and pigmentation.”


“I use Adipeau, which helps nourish the fat cells on the face. My routine is to wash my face, apply the exosomes, and then dab the Adipeau face cream around my face. Initially, applying it left my face very greasy/oily, which I didn’t realize at first. Now, I apply it in the morning, work out, and then shower. This method works well because you only need to leave it on for 7 minutes.”

One Skin Peptide

“I’ve been recently trying this One Skin Peptide for face and under-eye skin care. There’s pretty good evidence supporting its effectiveness. I use it at night during sleep.


“I prefer EltaMD UV Clear Sunscreen. It comes with Zinc oxide and is highly recommended by Dermatologists.

Shaving Cream

“I’ve been using HARRY’s Shaving Cream because I find it suitable for my skin.”

Bryan Johnson on Plastic Use while Travelling

“I’ve been trying to reduce my use of plastic wherever necessary. Although plastic is very convenient and a great material, I’m making an effort to find other ways to transport my items. I use clothes/jute bags to carry my products and supplements.”

Travel Sleep Care

Copper-Infused Pillowcase

“I always take a pillowcase while travelling. Currently, I’m using a Copper-Infused Pillowcase – it feels lovely on the skin.”

“Sometimes, I don’t like the linens or provided fabric at hotels, so having my comfortable pillowcase is nice.”

“I simply wrap it on the existing cover. It also helps me follow my personal hygiene routine”

Sleep Mask

“I also bring a Sleep Mask. It simply blocks all unwanted lights and helps me achieve better sleep quality.

Bryan Johnson’s Perspective on Pillow & Sleep

“After a scare with my internal jugular veins (major blood vessels), where I found I wasn’t getting great blood flow from my brain due to genetically narrow veins. The situation made me concerned about my intracranial pressure.”

“My doctor team measured my blood flow in various positions—on my side, stomach, back, left side, and right side—and found significant differences based on pillow positioning. Because of this, I travel with my pillow to achieve the best flow rates.”

“Now, I’ve figured out how to work with hotel pillows to achieve the same effect. I check the pillows at the hotel beforehand because I’m aware of how important blood flow from my brain to my body is. This is something honestly, I wish everybody knew.”

“I’m fortunate to know these things, thanks to Blueprint, which helped me point out the cause of my piercing headaches and other symptoms that were damaging my brain.”

“Many people have similar undetected issues in life. In the future, we’ll have more robust and integrated measurement tools/AI, making it easier to detect and address such problems. I hope we can all benefit from these advancements.

Devices and Electronics

Power Converters

“I carry 2 Insignia Converters for different power outlets/ electronic frequencies.“


“I carry a multi-outlet/pin charger to charge my phones and wearable devices.”

“I’ve 2 different mobiles – personal and business.”

Neuro Stimulation Device or Neuro Simulator

“Like my other electronic gadgets, I use Neuro Simulator and it’s quite expensive and incredibly useful.”

“This device stimulates the vagus nerve, which runs from the tragus of the ear down through the neck and into the chest. So, whenever I start feeling sick, I use this device for 60 minutes, and it almost always wipes out my sickness. As I said, it is an extremely powerful health device.”

“I never travel without this Neuro Stimulator because it’s highly effective at avoiding or lessening sickness. I’ve also tried it on my children and friends, and they found it effective too.”

It’s important that everything is organised and situated in a travel suitcase.

— Bryan Johnson

Travel Packing List

“With over 75 items in the entire routine, I call it a monster packing list.”

“I prefer using a travel packing list and I take printouts to verify in case I miss something.”

“To be honest—I’m pretty extra when it comes to packing. It becomes irritating if I find I’ve missed something because I want everything there to stick to my precise protocol.”

“When I’m not following my routine, it bothers me a lot.”

“I know; my packaging is more extensive.”

Food and Supplements for Travel


  • Blueprint Nutty Pudding
  • Collagen Peptides
  • Longevity Mix
  • Electrolytes
  • Pills (Morning and Night Pills)

Blueprint Nutty Pudding

“My Nutty Pudding offers all the required ingredients and my nutrition. It is a convenient powder which is easier to carry compared to taking the raw ingredients separately.”

Collagen Peptides

“I take 25 grams of Collagen Peptides a day.”

“For those who don’t know, Collagen peptides are small protein pieces that help support your body’s collagen, which is crucial for healthy skin, hair, nails, bones, and joints. You should include them in your routine to improve skin hydration, reduce joint pain, and support overall bone health. One of the simple supplements to help keep your body strong and youthful.”

Longevity Mix

Another key supplement in my travel or daily routine is the Longevity Mix. Most of know, I used to take over 100 pills a day, but I & my team consolidated them into powders and pills, and now I take just over 40 pills per day.

“My Longevity Mix alone has the equivalent of 26 pills in one scoop of powder that tastes very good.”

“To transport all food and supplements, I use specific containers.”


“For hydration, I prefer Ultima Replenisher Daily Electrolyte Drink Mix (Orange). There are multiple flavours – pick accordingly.

“I take electrolytes and always drink mineralized water. I avoid plain water by adding it to tea.”

“Recently, I started making ginger tea by cutting up ginger, adding mint, and boiling water.”

“You guys should ensure a proper hydration routine too.”

Routine Pills

“As you are aware, I organize my pills into containers for morning, lunch, and night. Despite trying to reduce plastic use, I still have some work to do in that area.”

“My morning pills include iron supplements, melatonin, turmeric, aspirin, and many more given in my supplements routine (all supplements are covered in detail throughout the day.”

Apart from regular supplements, there are regular tests based on different measurements.

“Recently, I started a new supplement called Lumbrokinase to help reduce my lung age, which increased by 19 years to 46 after the pandemic in November 2022.”

“After much effort, I recently tested at 36. I’m trying Lumbrokinase to further improve lung capacity and address related issues.”

“I take one pill twice a day – morning & night.”

Additional Items


“I carry a Scoop for my proteins and meals.”


“I’ve been experimenting with Ketones—not to reach ketosis but because the literature suggests ketones can make the brain younger.”

“At Kernel, my brain interface company, we measured the effects of ketones on the brain – specifically as it changes your mind’s default mode. Although I don’t follow a Keto diet, I do like Ketones. After a month of use, I feel like I sleep better.”

“I know which pills are which based on their colour, so I don’t need to label them as morning or night.”

My don’t die routine is always trying new things and making life better.


I’ve been trying to dress better lately.

Usually, after working out in the morning, my mind is focused on my routine and important future-related thoughts, making it hard to redirect my attention to clothing.

While I love wearing nice clothes, managing them—washing and caring for them properly—takes time.

Bryan Johnson Routine Travel Tips

  • Travel Packing List: Uses a detailed checklist to ensure all items are packed.
  • Be Organised: Emphasizes the importance of having a precise protocol to avoid missing any essential items.
  • Stay Hydrated: Drink plenty of water and carry a reusable bottle.
  • Consistent Routine: Stick to your usual schedule for meals, exercise, and sleep.
  • Optimize Sleep: Use a sleep mask, earplugs, and consider melatonin for jet lag.
  • Eat Healthy: Pack healthy snacks and choose airlines with nutritious meal options.
  • Exercise: Walk during layovers, do in-flight stretches, and stay at hotels with gyms.
  • Mindfulness: Practice meditation to reduce travel stress.
  • Biohacking Tools: Bring blue-light blocking glasses, fitness trackers, and grounding mats.
  • Avoid Germs: Use hand sanitizer, disinfect surfaces, and wear a mask if needed.

I hope my Anti-Aging routine packing is helpful for you.

Feel free to share any suggestions in the comments to improve this process.

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