Bryan Johnson’s Daily Routine: Diet, Supplements, Sleep, Etc.

Dive into Bryan’s daily routine, where strategic meals, supplements, and mindful practices converge to reverse ageing and fulfil the promise of “DON’T DIE”.

Page Contents

My speed of ageing is slower than 99% of 20 years old.

— Bryan Johnson

About Bryan Johnson

Bryan Johnson – A guy trying not to die.

He is a technology innovator, author and successful entrepreneur from Los Angeles, United States. Bryan’s exceptional entrepreneurial skills set him apart as a Founder and CEO of companies like the Blueprint, Kernal & OS Fund – previously Founder/CEO of Braintree (Acquired by PayPal).

Thanks to his routine, Bryan has successfully achieved metabolic health equal to 18 years old and reduced this speed of ageing equal to 31 years.

Note: Bryan’s consult is backed by the world’s 31 health & nutrition experts.

Bryan believes that we don’t need to die because we don’t know how long and well a human can live. With the help of STEM ((Science, Technology, Engineering & Math), it is quite possible to work on anti-ageing.

Did you know?

Vice Media says Bryan is the most measured man in Human History.

Bryan Johnson is well-known for his Project Blueprint, in which he follows a strict diet with extensive supplements to focus on anti-ageing. Be a part of this journey, where Routine Bias explores Bryan Johnson’s routine to understand his daily habits, diet, supplements, and recommendations with the mindset that keeps him going.

Bryan embraces:

  • System over willpower
  • Data over human opinion
  • Harmon over addition
  • Compounded rated of self-improvement

So, let’s dive in!

4:00 a.m. – 5:30 a.m.

Bryan Johnson’s Morning Routine

So, when does Bryan wake up or go to sleep – overall morning scene?

Bryan Wake-Up Routine: Bryan’s daily routine starts early in the morning. He wakes up naturally between 4:30 and 6:00 am naturally (without an alarm clock).

Fact: Waking up between 4:30 to 6:00 am not only promotes a seamless start to the day but also reflects a disciplined approach to optimizing productivity and well-being.

Body Temperature: Bryan’s typical morning scenes are thoroughly pre-planned. He starts the day by checking his body temperature with a specialized Braun Thermo Scan device. What’s worth noting here is that Johnson’s body temperature remains around 35.3°C, which is lower than the average human temperature of 37.1°C.

UV Exposure: In most cases, Bryan Johnson generally starts his day when it is still dark outside and no natural sunlight. He utilises this time/opportunity to use a Carex 10000 Lux UV light to his advantage and kickstart his circadian rhythm. This is also when Bryan Johnson takes a few minutes to take in the light and engage in deep contemplation to set a positive tone for the day ahead.

3 to 5 minutes

If we can’t control the contents of our consciousness and tame those gremlins of fear and anxiety and self-doubt, none of the rest of this stuff matters. Period.

— Bryan Johnson

Benefits of Getting UV Light Exposure in The Morning

You should consider UV light in your daily routine. UV light exposure for a few minutes daily is a great way to start your day. Below are mentioned benefits:

  • Mood Enhancement: Start the day in a better and more positive mood.
  • Circadian Rhythm Regulation: Realign your internal body clock with nature and enhance your circadian rhythm regulation.   
  • Positive Mood & Energy: Early morning exposure to sunlight prompts cortisol production, which helps boost your energy levels with enhanced alertness.
  • Better Productivity: Exposure to UV lights early in the morning positively affects your cognitive functions, which keeps you productive throughout the day.
  • Skin Benefits: UV lights can benefit your skin.
  • Vitamin D: UV lights stimulate the production of vitamin D in the skin which is crucial for bone health, immune function, and overall well-being.

5:30 a.m.

Bryan Johnson’s Supplement Intake

Following the UV light exposure, Bryan Johnson’s supplement routine comes into action. He takes two important morning supplements to get a head start on the day:

Vitamin C (250mg): Vitamin C enhances the body’s iron absorption. Additionally, it strengthens the immune system by supporting the production and function of immune cells, helping to defend against illnesses.

Heme Iron (10mg): The Heme iron supplement is derived from animal sources and helps support better haemoglobin production, enhances absorption, and increases oxygen levels and much more.

5:45 a.m.

Bryan Johnson’s Body Measurements

Bryan Johnson does not just measure his weight every morning but also other essential and relevant health metrics via a digital body scale. Some of these health metrics include fat, BMI, water levels, muscle, bone quality, visceral body fat, air quality around him, and most importantly, his heart rate. These measurements are an important part of Bryan’s anti-ageing skincare routine, enabling him to live a healthier lifestyle.

5:50 a.m.

Bryan’s Blue Light Therapy with Meditation

In Bryan Johnson’s complex and effective skin morning routine. he also finds the time for 5 minutes of blue light therapy via a FlexBeam (A powerful wearable infrared therapy device).

These peaks in energy levels are then managed with 10 minutes of uninterrupted meditation. This powerful combination creates a peaceful mindset, enabling him to gear up for the day ahead.

Blue light therapy keeps my skin’s complexion clear.

— Bryan Johnson

Considering a blue light therapy for yourself? As per Bryan, even you must consider the blue light therapy to access perks such as:

  • Better Skin Conditions: If skin conditions such as inflammation have been bothering you, then this is the therapy you need to use to address the issue.
  • Non-Invasive Treatment: Blue light therapy does not require you to use or consume any medications or chemicals.
  • Safe For Long-Term Use: You can benefit from the long-term and consistent use of blue light therapy without the risk of any adverse side effects.
  • Efficient Treatment: There is no need to spend hours daily on blue light therapy. Instead, take a smarter approach like Bryan Johnson and practice the therapy for 10 to 30 minutes every day.    
  • Improved Sleeping Patterns: Exposing your body to blur during the day better regulates the body’s natural wake and sleep cycle, contributing to better sleep patterns.
  • Wound Healing: With tissue repair and inflammation, it also accelerates the healing process of wounds.

5:55 a.m.

Bryan Johnson’s Eye Therapy

Dry Eye Prevention: Bryan Johnson uses a specialized device for just 30 seconds every morning to get immediate relief and comfort from the adverse symptoms of dry eyes.

Strategic Cataract Prevention: He also uses specialized eye drops to protect his vision from conditions like cataracts.

6:00 a.m.

Bryan Johnson’s Supplements

Bryan Johnson has long been clear that consuming a wide range of supplements (Including Green Giant + 54 pills) right from the early morning has been an important part of his healthy routine. Some of the best-known of these supplements he takes in the morning include:

Collagen Peptides


Blueprint Longevity Mix

GOS (Galactooligosaccharides)

Supplement Pills

Blueprint Soft Gel


Blueprint Red Yeast Rice + Odor-Free Garlic

Blueprint Essentials


Blueprint NAC + Ginger + Curcumin


Blueprint NAC + Ginger + Curcumin


Garlic (Kyolic)

I’ve learned what works and what doesn’t, which gives me confidence.

— Bryan Johnson

Tips to Get Most Out of Your Health Supplements

  • Take your supplements in the morning to stimulate brain function and metabolism.
  • Always take iron supplements on an empty stomach for better absorption.
  • Personalize your supplement routine based on your body’s unique needs. 

6:05 a.m.

Bryan Johnson’s Red Light Therapy with Breakfast Preparation

Red Cap Process: Red light therapy is another important part of Bryan Johnson, where he wears a cap with red lights. But this is not a fashionable accessory but a therapeutic tool that combats hair loss.

– Bryan Johnson does not just use the red-light cap but even prefers using the FlexiBeam device for the therapy. As the tool works its magic on his skull, Bryan Johnson starts making the post-workout breakfast.

Super Veggie Breakfast: Bryan then creates a unique, nutrient-rich breakfast. He takes this highly nutritious food either in the form of vegetable puree or whole vegetable pieces. This choice is non-negotiable, considering the unique diet goals of the man in question.

Bryan’s Nutty Pudding: It is not just veggies that get the best of Bryan Johnson’s diet. His diet also includes nutty pudding packed with protein and minerals. He takes different flavours of these puddings, including blueberries, blackberries, etc. and mixes with protein powder, making it an ideal and nutritious first food for the stomach.

6:20 a.m.

Bryan Johnson’s Morning Workout Routine

When you check out Bryan Johnson’s exercise routine, it becomes evident that this is much more than routine. Instead, it might seem like more personal health-related activities that slow ageing. Let’s explore what he covers in a HIIT (High-intensity interval training) routine:

Mix Exercises: The entire exercise routine of Bryan Johnson spans from about 30 to 60 minutes, covering a diverse mix of exercises. He covers everything from targeted muscle work like bicep curls and triceps extensions to dynamic movements like trail running to get endurance and strength.

HIIT for Intensity: Bryan Johnson does a 10-minute High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) session to get a boost in intensity. While brief, this session leaves no stone unturned in terms of elevating heart rates and giving a cardiovascular kick to maximize the exercise’s benefits.  

Variance & Precision: Bryan has mastered a unique routine that covers a mixture of different exercises targeting different muscle groups. Whether it is leg raises, butterfly pulls, or even the backward sledge, each of these exercises contributes differently to the overall fitness goal. 

Extensive Stretching: Bryan’s workout routine does not just end with strength exercises. Instead, he never fails to prioritize mobility and flexibility with targeted stretches such as hip flexor stretch, hamstring stretch, and couch stretch to get the optimal flexibility that complements the strength.

Blending Uniqueness with Traditions: What makes his morning workout routine impressive are trail runs and basketball games, adding a unique touch to the entire routine.

All the other stuff without love? Not worth a whole lot. Love starts with ourselves and needs to be approached like anything else we want to master a lot of diligent studying and practising!

— Bryan Johnson

As per Bryan, he focuses on HIIT (High-intensity interval training). A lot of people are good at exercise. You don’t have to be highly technical and copy my entire list… just do the most basic exercise to get your body and mind in the right place.

Post Workout Supplements

Blueberry Nut Mix

Blueprint Nutty Pudding

1 Tbsp of Extra Virgin Olive Oil

12.5g Collagen Peptides

7:20 a.m.

Bryan Johnson’s Meal Routine

Bryan makes no compromises in any aspect of his diet by consuming all his meals between the hours of 6 and 11 am every day. This highlights his dedication and commitment to a healthy and fit lifestyle.

Super Veggies: He first starts with the veggie mix, which he adds 2 tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil. This is not just to add a distinct flavour to the mix but also enables his body to fully absorb the benefits of these nutrient-rich food items.

Nutty Pudding: Bryan concludes the meal with protein-rich nutty pudding that includes blueberries, blackberries, and protein powder flavour. This sweet and nutritious treat goes a long way in enhancing digestion and helping the body better absorb nutrients.   

11:00 a.m.

Bryan Johnson’s Dinner in the Morning

Is it any much of a surprise that Bryan Johnson completes his dinner by 11:00 am?

Probably not! Despite this timing for dinner being rather unconventional, Bryan’s commitment to health and nutrition comes to the desired conclusion with the 11:00 am dinner. 

Orange Fennel Salad (500 calories): Bryan starts the dinner routine with a refreshing combination of crisp fennel and oranges. This unique salad creates a burst of flavours that not only give his taste buds a reason to rejoice but also give them a wide range of minerals and vitamins. 

Stuffed Sweet Potato (500 calories): He also enjoys a balanced and satisfying meal by adding stuffed sweet potatoes to the mix. Sweet potatoes are packed with complex carbohydrates, savoury flavours, and essential nutrients that give Bryan enough fuel to deal with the complexities of the day.  

Bryan also takes different supplements with his meals to enhance his overall health, and these supplements include:

NAC 1,800 mg

Proferrin 10.5 mg

EPA/DHA/DPA 800 mg 

Kyolic Aged Garlic Extract Formula 1.2g

Acarbose 200 mg (Rx)

Garlic 1.2 g (kyolic)

Garlic 1.2 g (kyolic)

When the force of circumstance upsets your equanimity, lose no time in recovering your self-control, and don’t remain out of tune longer than you can help. Habitual recurrence to the harmony will increase your mastery of it.

— Bryan Johnson

11:30 a.m. – 5:30 p.m.

Bryan Johnson’s Work Routine

When you check out Bryan Johnson’s work routine, you can easily understand his dedication to using innovation and transformation to change the world for the better.

Johnson has a unique career where he naturally wears more than one professional hat. He is doing an excellent job of navigating the complexities of the world as a venture capitalist, entrepreneur, author, and YouTuber. Given that Bryan is juggling so many responsibilities, it comes as no surprise that he follows a flexible daily schedule, exploring new challenges and opportunities every day.

Follow Your Bliss. Not someone else’s idea of your bliss. Not what you think should be your bliss. Not what you think would impress the crowd or appease the family. Your BLISS. What truly gets you giddy?

— Bryan Johnson

CEO Work: You should not forget that he is still the CEO of OS Fund, Kernel, and Project Blueprint, which requires him to oversee both the company’s strategic and operational direction. OS Fund is a venture capital firm with an interest in investing in early-stage science companies. On the other hand, there’s Kernel, which is focused on creating advanced devices to monitor and record brain activities.

Meetings: Bryan says that he enjoys meeting a diverse range of people almost every day. Whether it is industry leaders, entrepreneurs, or investors, he maintains proper connections with everyone to fuel growth, collaboration, and innovation.

Media: Thanks to various companies and Project Blueprint, Bryan is occasionally involved in interviews, podcasts, and summits discussing “Anti-Ageing” and Immortals concepts.

Quit putting yourself in a little box by trying to live consistently with your past and explaining every little action you take. BE YOU. Fully. At this moment. Independent of what others may or may not ‘expect’ from you.

— Bryan Johnson

5:30 p.m.

Bryan Johnson’s Post-Work Routine

Organization Work: Bryan reaches home at precisely 5:30 pm. He then goes to the kitchen to clean and organize the area before starting the evening routine.  

5:45 p.m.

Bryan Johnson’s HRV Therapy

Definition: Heart Rate Variability (HRV) is a peek into the body’s autonomic nervous system, where you see the visuals in numbers. Brayan practices 30 minutes of HRV therapy every day to enhance his overall health and well-being.

Process: Bryan uses a specialized HRV therapy device from Parasym to strengthen the effectiveness of his wellness journey. This advanced measurement device sends electric currents to the vagus nerve in the ear. This promotes specific therapeutic mechanisms that counter dysregulation in the nervous system and significantly improve health outcomes.

Results: According to Bryan, he has been a consistent beneficiary of the HRV therapy, and the results of this therapy are as apparent as it gets. He has been doing this for about 2 years and has managed to double his HRV levels from the low 30s to the low 60s. This highlights not only the effectiveness of HRV therapy but also Bryan’s commitment to better health. He has successfully managed to maintain proper and youthful HRV levels, further challenging the natural trajectory of ageing.

Reason Why You Should Use HRV Therapy

If Bryan Johnson can benefit from HRV therapy to such a great extent, what’s stopping you from getting the best of the therapy? If you are still in doubt, below are some reasons to opt for the therapy:

  • Better Cardiovascular Health: The HRV therapy strikes the right balance between parasympathetic and sympathetic nervous systems. As a result, you get better heart health with a reduced risk of developing cardiovascular diseases.
  • Natural Stress Management: HRV therapy is highly effective in regulating the body’s response to stress. This contributes to lower stress levels, anxiety, ageing & longevity with enhanced heart rate variability.
  • Better Sleep: HRV therapy is great in terms of promoting relaxation, which contributes to better sleep patterns and better sleep quality.
  • Enhanced Immunity: HRV therapies help you get a balanced autonomic nervous system that strengthens the body’s immune response.
  • Reduced Inflammation: It helps in reducing different kinds of inflammation such as body, chronic, etc.

6:15 p.m.

Bryan Johnson’s Skincare Routine

Cleansing: Bryan starts his skincare routine with a highly effective cleansing formula called the CeraVe Acne Control Cleanser. This purifies the skin without stripping the natural moisture.

Hydration: Post-cleansing, he picks up the lightweight formula called the CeraVe FM Facial Moisturizing Lotion. This effective formula absorbs in no matter of time and infuses his skin with all the essential nutrients and hydration.

Sun Protection: Bryan is well aware of the significance of protecting his skin from the harmful UV rays of the Sun. Here, he uses the CeraVe Sunscreen, which helps prevent any sun damage to the skin and preserves the youthfulness of his complexion. 

Peptide Power: The final touch for Bryan’s skincare routine ends with the Collagen peptides packed with many potent ingredients. This product enhances his skin’s elasticity and reduces any unwanted wrinkles or fine lines.

6:45 p.m.

Bryan Johnson’s Oral Care Routine

It is said that Bryan has successfully turned the clock back on his oral health by two decades. Unsurprisingly, this is a result of dedicated oral care that starts with 2 minutes of brushing to clean his teeth and gums thoroughly.

This is followed by flossing using the finest Waterpik device that ensures comprehensive gum cleaning. This helps him get rid of any debris or plaque in hard-to-reach areas to prevent dental issues and enhance gum health.

Floss: Bryan uses DrTungs Floss, known for its thicker string. It captures more plaque compared to any thinner floss, leading to a 25% increase in plaque removal.

Toothbrush: Bryan uses an Oral B Electric Toothbrush to maintain 100% more plaque removal vs a manual brush.

Toothpaste: Bryan uses 2 types of toothpaste—Sensodyne and Dr. Collins Biomin Tooth Sensitivity Toothpaste. Both address sensitivity and work for additional protection. Bryan has confirmed that he stopped using Sensodyne because of fluoride, but you can if suits you.

Oil Rinse: Plant therapy tea tree oil is Bryan’s next oral care product. He applies just 2 drops of the oil to leverage the natural anti-bacterial properties to rinse and refresh his mouth. However, Bryan stopped rinsing with tea tree oil because it wasn’t necessary for his oral health (as per his oral test reports).

Mouthwash: Next in Bryan’s oral health care is TheraBreath Plaque Control Pre-Brush Oral Rinse. This pre-brush antiplaque mouthwash cleans your whole mouth while helping to fight plaque and gingivitis for 24 hours.

As mentioned by Bryan, he only uses mouthwash in 2 circumstances – Close contact with others to avoid bad breath & personal time (you know what I mean).

Bruxism Management: Bryan has to deal with Bruxium, a condition resulting from teeth grinding. He uses a specialized device called the SomnoDent Avant to protect his teeth from the damage of night grinding.

Tongue Cleaner: Bryan finally ends the oral care routine with effective tongue cleaning to remove debris and bacteria from the tongue’s surface. This simple and effective approach promotes better oral hygiene and keeps his breath fresh. 

7:00 p.m.

Bryan Johnson’s Father-Son Time

Bryan is the proud father of Talmage, and his relationship with his son only gets better with the focus on creating lasting bonds and nurturing relationships. Therefore, like any dedicated father, he sets aside an hour every day to spend time with his son before bedtime.   

Quality Time: Both get together to watch TV, engage in friendly competitive games, or simply chat and discuss their son’s high school experiences. Each of these moments is filled with laughter and warmth that strengthens the father-son relationship. 

Entertainment & Building Memories: These activities are the treasure troves between the father and the son that strengthen the foundation of their relationship. This is also a great way for them to share each other’s memories and foster a more understanding relationship.  

Live. Love. Smile. Hug. Laugh. Dream. Do. Create. Have fun. Be intense. Be audacious. Be unreasonable. Act impeccably. Breathe. Be you. Be different.

— Bryan Johnson

8:00 p.m.

Bryan Johnson’s Daily Sleep Routine

The best bridge between despair and hope is a good night’s sleep.

— Bryan Johnson

Sleep is the human reset button.

— Bryan Johnson

Bryan’s effective sleep routine highlights his commitment to prioritizing sleep to promote a better quality of life.

Ideal Sleep Environment: Bryan has a unique and comfortable bedroom that creates the ideal environment for restorative sleep. He uses the cutting-edge Eight Sleep temperature control mattress with air filters for proper air quality and grounded sheets to ensure he can rest in a peaceful environment.

Pillow Settings: Even the pillow setup that Bryan uses is as unique as it can get. His pillows accommodate bilateral jugular vein stenosis, which impacts his blood flow to the brain. He uses a flat and small pillow with another pillow for neck support that ensures proper circulation and comfort. Bryan chooses to sleep on his right side since it offers the best conditions for optimal blood flow.

Pre-Bedtime Supplements: Bryan’s night sleep routine also includes a natural sleep aid called melatonin to promote better relaxation and prepare his body for restorative sleep. He also uses Pulsetto, a targeted therapy with the session lasting just 10 minutes before sleep to enhance his mind’s relaxation.

Sleep is the new coffee.

— Bryan Johnson

Beneficial Sleep Gadgets & Experiments by Bryan

  • He uses Oura ring to track sleep, heart rate, body temperature and quantify improvement efforts
  • Using f.lux to auto-optimize screen colours/brightness in the room
  • Blue light-blocking glasses starting at 7 pm
  • Set ChiliPad over my mattress, set to 62.6F
  • In bed between 8:45 pm and 9:30 pm (this is Bryan’s optimal window, everyone is different)
  • Uses Hemp/CBD oil ingested a few times a week 5 minutes before bedtime
  • A deep wave sound machine for the environment.

Reason Why You Should Sleep on the Right Side

  • Enhanced Digestion: As per Ayurveda, sleeping on the right side helps with smoother digestion due to the natural flow of gastric juices.
  • Heart Health: It eases pressure on the heart and promotes better circulation.
  • Optimized Breath: Supports clearer breathing by keeping airways open and reducing snoring.
  • Brain Health: Enhances blood flow to the brain, aiding in cognitive function and overall mental clarity.

Gadgets and Other Products Bryan Uses Frequently

Apart from health and wellness gadgets, Bryan is a tech enthusiast and uses a wide range of gadgets in-house.

Blueprint Program: Bryan uses a wide range of devices and products to test reverse ageing. This program offers a wide range of “finest quality” supplements such as Longevity Mix, Extra Virgin Olive Oil, Cocoa Powder, Blueberry Nut Mix, and more.

Skullcandy Crusher ANC Headphones for Audio-Cardio: This is Skullcandy’s flagship headphones with excellent base and sound frequency. Bryan uses Skullcandy headphones for audio-cardio or entertainment purposes. Bryan harnesses the power of sound to optimize cognitive function.

Sensate for Stress Relief: A relaxation device for immediate calm and long-term stress. Bryan uses Sensate to simulate his neck and chest areas. This device is also capable of improving sleep quality and working on heart, anxiety levels, and overall well-being.

iTear 100 for Dry Eyes: Bryan uses an FDA-approved battery-powered device that significantly boosts tear production. With just 30 seconds of use twice a day, Bryan experiences improvements in eye comfort and moisture levels. In addition, it also treats eyes with gritty, itchy, tiredness, occasional blurred vision, and redness.

O2ring: Bryan prefers O2ring to track his health, sleep stages, heart rates, and body temperature. This health ring precisely measures pulse rate and blood oxygen saturation levels to map sleep as well as breathing.

Night Erection Measurement: Bryan uses Adam, the world’s first erection health tracker. This sensor-based app allows you to track and improve your nighttime erections for sleep quality and any health conditions related to ED.

Withings scale for First Measurements: Withings is the world’s first smart scale with cardio checks, providing a comprehensive report of body composition and health in less than 30 seconds. Bryan uses this measurement scale as part of his morning routine. Backed with patented technology, Withings scale syncs all measured data with the Health Mate app.

TruAge COMPLETE: Bryan uses TruAge – a complete at-home epigenetic test kit. It provides a measurement of ageing and related issues. This kit reports baseline ageing metrics as well as an in-depth analysis of specific issues. The report includes OMICm biological age, risk of death and multiple issues.

Whoop: Bryan uses the Whoop tracker to measure fitness and sleep. He prefers real-time feedback on sleep, training, recovery, and overall health.

EightSleep Mattress: As Bryan mentioned “Sleep is the new Coffee”, he loves the intelligent system provided by EightSleep mattresses. It measures Bryan’s sleep levels and helps in personalization.

Bryan Johnson Before and After Treatment

Does Bryan look like an alien or something? A BIG no, Bryan’s transformation before and after treatment showcases remarkable improvements in health and well-being. I think it inspires others to pursue similar journeys toward optimal wellness and longevity. Below is an image comparison of before and after:

Untitled design 1

What You Can Learn

When you see it for what it is, Bryan Johnson’s routine is his commitment to preserving his youthfulness and promoting better health. This man leaves no stones unturned when it comes to achieving his desired fitness goal.

Everyone must feel as dedicated enough as Bryan Johnson to maintain a healthy lifestyle with proper workout, supplementation, rest, and a nutrient-rich diet. Punctuality and the commitment to adhering to schedules are other aspects that you learn from this man. 

If you are looking for more ways to bring a positive change in your life, make sure you check out The Blueprint to Anti-Aging and Longevity with Bryan Johnson podcast. You can also check out Bryan’s YouTube Channel to learn more about the essential tips to maintain a good life.

So, this is what Bryan Johnson’s routine looks like. You can go through commonly asked questions and share your feedback in the comment section.


Does Bryan Johnson drink coffee?

No, Bryan doesn’t drink coffee or similar drinks because it destabilizes his mood and entire routine.

Does Bryan Johnson drink alcohol?

No, Bryan doesn’t drink alcohol or similar drinks because it destabilizes his mood and entire routine.

How much protein does Byan Johnson eat in a day?

Bryan consumes around 100 grams of protein daily. This includes Pea protein powder, amino acid complex, and lentils.

Which olive oil does Bryan use and what is the quantity?

Bryan prefers using 3 tablespoons of Blueprint extra virgin olive oil in each meal.

What is Don’t Die Dinner?

Don’t Die Dinner promotes the idea of eating together and discussing topics related to longevity, health, and life extension technologies. Bryan invites celebrities and entrepreneurs for dinner to engage in conversation about scientific advancement and ideas on human lifespan.

How many calories does Bryan Johnson consume daily?

Bryan consumes approximately 2,250 calories per day as part of his daily intake.

How many pills does Bryan Johnson take daily?

As part of his health regimen, Bryan takes over 100 pills daily, which include supplements to support his health and wellness goals.

Does Bryan Johnson take creatine?

Yes, he consumes 2.5 grams of THORNE Creatine and 25 g of Collagen peptides.

How much sleep does Bryan Johnson get?

Bryan sleeps between 8 to 9 hrs. He sleeps at 8:30 pm and wakes up at 5:00 am to his daily routine.

What’s the objective of Bryan Blueprint?

With the help of Blueprint, Bryan wants to rejuvenate as a professional and check human age potential.

What are the focus areas of Bryan’s experiment?

Bryan is working on heart, brain, lung, gastro, hair, skin, eye, ear, oral, diet, sleep, supplements, rx, senolytics and overall fitness.

Is Bryan’s Blueprint working?

Yes, Bryan Johnson’s approach, known as Bryan’s Blueprint, has proven effective for him. He shares in-depth analysis and reports publicly. The Blueprint has successfully reversed his biological age and improved sleep quality. Bryan has also reported significant improvements in cognitive function, weight management, and emotional well-being. You can check more data available publicly.

How much does Bryan spend on high routine?

He spends $2 Million a year to look like an 18-year-old.

What is the fast routine of Bryan?

He follows an 18-hour daily fast routine.

Does Bryan get sun exposure?

Apart from morning UV therapy, Bryan is exposed to a little bit of sun rays. His reports show the relationship between sun exposure and skin ageing. However, he suggested testing your skin to see what’s too much for your skin.

What are the names of Bryan’s books?

Bryan is a successful author of 3 books – Don’t Die, Zeroism, and We The People. All of them are free to read.


8 thoughts on “Bryan Johnson’s Daily Routine: Diet, Supplements, Sleep, Etc.”

  1. As a sports enthusiast, I’ve been searching to optimize my health and performance. Bryan’s detailed approach has given me so many new ideas. I was particularly fascinated by his daily routine and how he follows each and every aspect without fail. This is a comprehensive breakdown – it’s exactly the kind of knowledge I was looking for to take my health journey to the next level!

    • Thank a lot Ashok! Glad to hear Bryan’s routine resonated with you and provided new insights for optimizing your health and performance. Keep pushing forward, and feel free to share your progress or any other tips you discover along the way! You can also explore other routines on Routine Bias.

      Shailesh Thakran

  2. Bryan’s routine is incredible! Such dedication and discipline are truly inspiring. I hope to follow at least 5% – especially waking up early.

  3. Just WOW, Bryan’s routine is truly inspiring! The dedication to health and productivity is next-level. I’m just curious about specific products or supplements in his daily regimen?


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