Mark Wahlberg daily routine

Mark Wahlberg Daily Routine: Morning, Workout, and Supplements

Let’s explore the daily routine of Hollywood superstar and successful businessman – Mark Wahlberg.

I’ve always wanted to do right in life. But the wanting and the doing aren’t quite the same thing.

— Mark Wahlberg

About Mark Wahlberg

Mark Wahlberg, also known as Marky Mark, is a successful Hollywood actor, producer, and businessman.

Despite his fame in films such as “Uncharted” and “Infinite,” he often makes headlines for his dedication to health. You read that right.

Mark is a renowned personality known for his intense work ethic and toned physique.

His rigorous regimen, which included double workouts and 2:30 am wake-ups, went viral in 2018.

Although Wahlberg now follows a slightly more relaxed schedule, he still prioritizes an early start to make the most of his day.

Mark’s daily routine includes waking up early, engaging in high-intense workouts, maintaining a clean diet, and spending time with family.

Sounds interesting, right?

Let’s skip into Mark’s daily routine, which includes his early morning start, workout regimen, and sleep schedule.

Old Routine

Mark Wahlberg Morning Routine

In 2018, Mark Wahlberg stunned everyone by revealing his daily routine, evidence of his extraordinary commitment.

Get comfortable, as the start time was an astounding 2:30 am!

Wahlberg had a brief prayer session before fuelling up for a 1.5-hour workout by 3:40 am. He played golf before 8 am, before most of us had time to hit the snooze button, after eating a post-workout meal and showering.

Since recovery was crucial, a cryotherapy chamber session and well-timed morning foods ensued. Family time and work calls managed to cohabit before lunch, and then there was another meeting in the afternoon.

Wahlberg took on a second workout at 4 pm, just when you thought it might ease down! This insane schedule culminated in dinner, family time, and lights out by 7:30 pm.

This look into Wahlberg’s previous routine is an intriguing tribute to his discipline and dedication to health, even though he has recently eased up a little.

Now, let’s move into the specifics of Mark Wahlberg’s daily routine.

Updated Morning Routine of Mark Wahlberg

The morning ritual of Mark Wahlberg has changed.

He rises between 3:30 – 4:00 am these days, prioritizing his sleep a little more.

However, don’t let it fool you. Mark still wins the day.

He fuels his body with a set 12-hour eating window, takes care of an exercise routine, and responds to emails and calls after praying and taking his supplements.

So, let’s discover the morning routine of Mark Wahlberg and how it positions him for success.

3:30 AM

Waking Up

At 3:30 am, Mark Wahlberg wakes up.

For a refreshing head start, he avoids staying lazy in bed. 3:30 am still gives him valuable “me-time” before the day’s madness starts, even if his schedule used to be considerably more rigorous.

In those hours before dawn, what does he conquer?

Why does he wake up so early?

Let’s check for a scientific reason behind Mark’s habit.

Benefits of Waking Up at Midnight as per Mark Wahlberg

Imagine finishing your to-do list ahead of time. That’s what being up at three in the morning, like Mark Wahlberg, can do.

This is why it works:

  • Plan Your Morning: Quiet isolation when everyone is asleep can increase focus. So, organize your day and work through activities without interruptions.
  • Feed Your Body and Mind: Getting up early like Mark gives you time for a nutritious meal, which benefits your body and mind.
  • Eliminates Stress: Rising early lets you prepare ahead and reduce your tension. Also, it spares time for relaxing pursuits before the day’s mayhem.
  • Get Better Rest: Deeper, more restorative sleep is achieved by going to bed and waking up early. You’ll feel energized to do any work when you wake up.
  • Happiness Is a Habit: Getting up early encourages a chain reaction of positive behaviors that make you happier and more effective.

4:00 AM

Mark Wahlberg Morning Supplements

Mark Wahlberg talks about performance-inspired supplements.

He co-founded Performance Inspired to offer natural vitamins to individuals who, like him, want to perform at their best.

They provide bars, customized solutions, and protein powders.

Let’s focus on the morning supplement stack:

  • AquaHydrate: He starts with drinking water rich in sodium chloride and rich in magnesium, iodine, iron, calcium, chromium, and zinc along with other vital ingredients. This ensures his body starts with day hydration.
  • Zinc Dissolved water: He prefers Natrazul ACTIVE magnesium and zing table in the water. This comes in different flavors and provides energy, muscle recovery, and growth.
  • Coffee: He prefers triple “Free Rein Coffee” Espresso to keep him fast.

“Coffee is a new thing since I’ve been following a fasting routine.”

Mark Wahlberg Daily Health Supplements

Mark’s health supplements are formulated to align with his goals and maximize effectiveness. Let’s understand each of them!

Creatine Chews: It is 100% creatine monohydrate designed to enhance muscle growth and post-workout recovery. Mark uses it daily to maximize this fitness goal.

Collagen Powder: Another Performance-inspired supplement, it supports healthy digestion, joint health, skin hydration, and hair. Mark mix 1 scoop (20g) in water or other liquid and consume daily.

Collagen Plus Biotin Gummies: Similar to powder form, gummies support hair, skin, and nail health in addition to ease of consumption and flavors.

BCAAs: Branched-chain amino Acids, or BCAAs, are a crucial part of Wahlberg’s exercise regimen since they promote muscle growth and repair. Performance-inspired BCAAs provide a premium source of these amino acids to promote muscle recovery and lessen fatigue.

Protein Powder: Since protein is the building block of muscle, Wahlberg uses performance-inspired protein supplements to help him reach his fitness objectives. Wahlberg mixes protein powder with other supplements as part of his daily routine to get a healthy and energizing start to the day.

F45 Challenge Wellness Bundle (With Whey Protein): Intending to win the F45 Challenge? Get the best performance and recovery with Performance Inspired’s customized bundles like whey protein. This bundle offers supplements such as Collagen Peptides, Performance Whey Protein, Post-Workout BCAA, Green for Life, and more.

Pre-Workout: Mark Wahlberg begins his day with a Performance-Inspired pre-workout to improve his energy levels and mental clarity. This supplement promotes peak performance without making you feel jittery. It is made with simple, effective ingredients.

Creatine: Mark Wahlberg uses creatine in his workouts to improve his strength, power, and general athletic performance. To help maximize outcomes, Performance Inspired Creatine offers a pure, potent type of creatine.

Additional Supplements

Wahlberg uses Turmeric Supplements as part of his routine to treat inflammation.

Vitamin D3 gummies and Hair, Skin & Nails gummies support general health from the inside out.

Apple Cider Vinegar supports healthy weight, blood sugar, and immune system.

Protein Bars for instant protein.

Mark Wahlberg on Supplements

“Avoid artificial components and focus on natural components priority to support your fitness objectives.”

“Hectic schedule? Not an issue. Pick chews, gummies, and bars for an easy performance boost.”

4:15 AM

Cold Plunge Routine

Mark Wahlberg’s early morning routine includes the cold plunge, which is a crucial exercise that many people may find intimidating.

3 to 6 minutes

He goes for this cold therapy between 5:15 and 5:30 AM.

Bathroom Setup: He utilizes a home ice bath setup and practices it for 3 to 6 minutes daily.

“I encourage all to their wellness journey dream alive and start today with an ice bath.”

Immersion in cold water is said to improve muscle soreness and inflammation, facilitating faster, more effective bodily healing. This corresponds to faster recovery times and better results in your next workouts. In addition, it also works for the ageing factor.

Considering practising at your home? Pick the most-used, portable and practical ice bath from The Cold Pod Store.

Wahlberg’s experience illustrates how cold therapy is becoming more and more popular among athletes and fitness fans.

The cold plunge is a fascinating addition to any morning routine, especially for those who are pushing their physical limits, since it may result in a speedier recovery and improved performance.

4:45 AM

Morning Prayer

30 minutes

The action hero is known for more than simply his commitment to physical fitness.

He is a devoted Catholic and is also associated with “a”Hallow” a prayer or meditation app.

Mark begins his prayer at 4:45 AM with a 30-minute prayer period followed by an intense workout routine.

However, Wahlberg’s faith transcends his convictions.

He strongly believes that everyone, no matter their faith, should connect with a higher power.

Everyone should have something to believe in. I use part of my day for prayer or meditation.

— Mark Wahlberg

Mark Wahlberg on Prayer

“Mark emphasizes the importance of prayer in his life, noting how it helps him maintain discipline and focus. He loves spending more time in prayer or thoughtful reflection to strengthen one’s faith and spiritual well-being.”

5:15: 6:45 AM

Mark Wahlberg’s Workout Routine

90 minutes

Mark dedicates 90 minutes each day to his morning routine, showing that commitment is key to its success.

Warm-up: The first step is a pre-workout preparation called RAMP (Resisted Active Mobility Protocol), which includes hip bridges, foam rolling, and Spiderman postures.

He then launches into a high-intensity combination of unilateral (training one side at a time) and bilateral (working both sides).

“Apart from gym machines, I use B Strong BFR (Blood Flow Restriction) Band – It enhances your muscle growth and strength without heavy lifting. I’ve seen B Strong BFR is quite popular among top athletes for overall health and performance.”

You may anticipate seeing him work out with tension bands, dumbbells, kettlebells, and TRX suspension training. This exercise is finished with lower body work along with agility and balance skills.

Mid Supplements: Mark consumes Performance-inspired supplements such as Creatine, BCCAs, multivitamins, etc.

To show followers his commitment, Wahlberg keeps posting short videos of himself doing overhead presses, vertical presses, and reverse lunges.

An Overview of Mark’s Morning Workout Routine

Here is a table better representing Mark’s daily morning workout routine:


  • Target Muscle Group: Chest and Arms
  • Exercises (4 sets; 8/12 reps): Front shoulder raise, Flat bench press, Military press, Tricep extensions, Dips, and Side shoulder raise
  • Circuits: 2 to 3
  • Cardio: 30 minutes on Treadmill


  • Target Muscle Group: Legs and Back
  • Exercises (4 sets; 8/12 reps): Leg presses, Push-ups, Lunges, Lat pulldowns, Deadlifts, and Front squats
  • Circuits: 2 to 3
  • Cardio: 30 minutes on Treadmill

Wednesday: Rest day


  • Target Muscle Group: Full Body
  • Exercises (4 sets; 8/12 reps): Push Press, Power Clean, Deadlift, Clean and Press (Circuit 1 – 4 Rounds), Bench press, Deadlift, Split squat, and Inverted rows (Circuit 2 – 4 Rounds), Seated chest press, Tricep press-down, Bicep curls, Side lateral raises, and Leg press (Finisher Sets).
  • Circuits: 2 (Circuit 1 and 2)
  • Cardio: NA


  • Target Muscle Group: Chest and Arms
  • Exercises (4 sets; 8/12 reps): Front shoulder raise, Flat bench press, Military press, Tricep extensions, Dips, and Side shoulder raise
  • Circuits: 2 to 3
  • Cardio: 30 minutes on Treadmill


  • Target Muscle Group: Legs and Back
  • Exercises (4 sets; 8/12 reps): Leg presses, Push-ups, Lunges, Lat pulldowns, Deadlifts, and Front squats
  • Circuits: 2 to 3
  • Cardio: 30 minutes on Treadmill

Sunday: Rest day


  • This is a sample routine that might change based on Wahlberg’s individual training objectives.
  • The exercise is performed eight to twelve times in each set.
  • For his Monday, Tuesday, Friday, and Saturday exercises, he finishes two to three circuits.
  • There are two distinct circuits in Thursday’s full-body workout, followed by a finisher.
  • Cardio on the treadmill or elliptical lasts thirty minutes at the end of every morning session

Mark’s B Strong BFR (Blood-Flow Restricting) Training and Why He Recommends

Quicker Results: Wahlberg is a big supporter of Blood-Flow Restriction (BFR) training, which he claims produces twice as much pump in half the time. This technique simulates the effects of using greater weights with lesser loads by partially restricting blood flow during exercise with the use of cuffs.

Efficiency is Key: Wahlberg’s busy schedule is well-suited to his BFR training, which enables him to attain comparable results in less time. He spends less time working out his entire body.

Pushing Boundaries: Wahlberg emphasizes how BFR might enable greater effort. His muscles are pushed beyond their typical limitations by the reduced blood flow, which could result in bigger growth.

Above and Beyond Strength: Wahlberg thinks that BFR training goes beyond gaining strength. He talks about the possibility of producing more Human Growth Hormone (HGH), which has anti-ageing properties and can be good for muscle mass and bone health.

7:30 AM

Post Workout Snack (Breakfast)

Despite having a somewhat loose schedule, Mark Wahlberg never uses the snooze button. Here’s the post-workout snack with names and quantity.

He prepares an entire meal to fuel his morning with a well-thought-out breakfast by 4:15 AM. This isn’t just any cereal bowl, either.

Eggs: Mark consumes a total of 5 eggs (3 hard-boiled, 3 scrambled). This provides a total of 30 grams of protein.

Pork Chop: With eggs, he adds pock chops for additional protein sources.

Wild Smoked Salmon with Greek Yoghurt. Peanut butter and a handful of blueberries for protein and good fats,

Moringa Green Juice: This super green powder provides vitamin C, vitamin b12, vitamin E, and dietary fibre for the day.

Wahlberg uses this thoughtfully prepared breakfast to give him the energy to tackle his rigorous exercise routine.

7:45 AM

Shower Routine

After his rigorous training sessions, Mark Wahlberg doesn’t see his shower as merely a rest stop.  It’s a calculated shift into recovery mode. After his workout, he takes a shower for a revitalizing wash that goes beyond simple personal cleanliness.

He starts his regimen with a plunge in cold water, which isn’t quite the same as a hot shower to start the day off well. Wahlberg uses cold showers, which last five to six minutes on average, as a way to help muscles recuperate.

Hygiene Routine: Wahlberg also includes a thorough hygiene regimen to ensure he’s spotless and prepared to face the rest of his shoots and business meetings.

8:30 AM

Golf Time

For Mark Wahlberg, any sport is an essential part of his daily routine and not just a place to relax.

Golf provides him with a special combination of relaxation, exercise, and social interaction. His commitment goes beyond the syllabus.

Personal Golf Setup: With greens, bunkers, and chipping areas, Back Nine Greens’ specially created setup at home offers him a secluded retreat to refine his game. His backyard course is a golfer’s dream with difficult layouts and special tees intended for close associates, which is complemented by this private haven.

However, Wahlberg also doesn’t back down from a challenge. A regular hangout, the Riviera Country Club in Pacific Palisades provides proximity, resort-style amenities, and an opportunity to further up his game.

Wahlberg is renowned for finishing 18 holes in less than two hours, demonstrating his famous efficiency in this situation. His approach to speed golf is a reflection of his commitment to the game and remarkable ability.

Golf gives me what nothing else does: liberty, air, and energy.

— Mark Wahlberg

Wahlberg views the fairway as an essential component of his fast-paced lifestyle rather than just a location to play.

Mark’s Golf Equipment

Premium Clubs: Mark Wahlberg refuses to play the average round of golf. He goes with Callaway Golf Clubs, a company renowned for pushing the limits of quality and innovation in the game. These clubs ensure that he has the power and agility required to meet every obstacle the green presents.

Comfortable T-Shirt: Wahlberg is aware that having a nice appearance can give one more self-assurance while golfing. He chooses Travis Mathew Tees because of this. These shirts, which are well-known for combining comfort and style, let him look good and feel fantastic while making lots of birdies.

Organized Golf Bag: The secret to winning a game is to maintain focus. Wahlberg uses an Ogio golf bag to accomplish this. This bag, which is well-liked for its robustness and smart organizing features, keeps his clubs safe and handy so he can move around the course with ease.

When you get onto the golf course, all of your worries and disappointments vanish.

— Mark Wahlberg

11:00 AM

Late Breakfast

For Mark Wahlberg, refueling after an intense workout is important and part of daily routine. He has a champion’s breakfast at about 5:30 AM, which consists of different protein food and supplements (from his own Performance Inspired nutrition brand).

Protein Food Intake: It includes chicken breast and chicken thigh for a high-quality and clean protein.

Complex Carbs: Mark includes healthy choices such as sweet potato.

Vegetables (salad): It includes Broccoli – providing Mark with high fibre, vitamins and minerals for the entire day.

Fruits: Mark loves berries and includes all types of them. He eats a bowl of

blueberries, blackberries, raspberries, and strawberries for high antioxidants and energy.

Healthy Fat: Almonds and pistachios add a healthy dose of protein and fat to the meal, completing the nutritional profile in a balanced way

Benefits of Eating Protein, Fruits, and Nuts as Late Breakfast

Muscle Recovery: Muscle tissue is broken down during exercise. Eating protein-rich foods, such as chicken breast and shakes, gives the body the amino acids it needs to rebuild and repair itself, which is essential for building muscle and easing pain.

Refueling for Energy: Your body uses glycogen stores as its main energy source, which are depleted by intensive workouts. Complex carbohydrates included in sweet potatoes help to refill these reserves, giving you energy for the entire day.

Metabolic Boost: The thermic impact of protein causes your body to burn calories as it breaks down. Your metabolism may experience a small increase throughout the morning as a result of this early protein boost.

Hydration Advantage: Sweet potatoes help replenish lost fluids through sweating because of their high water content. For both general health and muscle function, adequate water is essential.

11:30 AM

Deep Work Routine

Wahlberg sets aside 45 minutes by 6:30 AM for “deep work.”

He can focus intensely on his most critical duties during this time of no distractions.

Social media and emails are prohibited to maximize productivity. This focused hour ensures a productive day, whether it is spent on personal projects, business endeavors, or script study analysis.

Usually, Mark’s work routine is spent in meetings, movie scripts/production, charitable work, and business.

“I prefer a Macbook for all office and personal work.”

02:00 PM


Wahlberg isn’t slowing down by eight in the morning after finishing a strenuous exercise and fitting in a round of golf (yep, you read it right!).

The actor needs to “refuel and recharge” now more than ever. Wahlberg chooses a high-protein snack to keep his energy levels high and help his muscles recover.

Think of ten turkey meatballs instead of pastries or sugary cereal!

This high-protein option helps rebuild muscle tissue damaged during intense activity and offers long-lasting energy. It’s a different approach to recharge, but it goes hand in hand with the nontraditional, goal-oriented Mark’s morning routine. Here’s the routine!

Salmon Sashimi: Mark eats salmon sashimi for high-quality protein and muscle recovery.

Crab Salad with Cucumbers: He prefers seafood with crisp cucumbers for another protein intake.

Chicken Breasts: After breakfast, Mark repeats the chicken again with just a couple of pieces.

Old Routine

Family and Personal Time

Wahlberg embraces his “family man” persona by 8:30 AM after crushing his workouts and refueling.

He spends quality time with his wife and children during this period.

These times, whether it’s over coffee or just talking, provide him with energy for the day.

It serves as a reminder that even superheroes require their families, as Wahlberg values spending time with them despite leading an A-list lifestyle.

Old Routine

Cryo Chamber Recovery

Mark Wahlberg is a dedicated individual outside of the gym.

He enters a cryo chamber, which is blasting at – 150 degrees Fahrenheit, at precisely 9:30 AM! This 3-minute exposure to intense cold speeds up his recovery.

Wahlberg claims that the extreme cold helps with muscle recovery and lowers inflammation, preparing him for his upcoming challenge.

He is confident about the efficacy of this approach, which shows his dedication to maximizing all facets of his well-being.

Old Routine

Dinner Time

After a rigorous routine, Wahlberg strategically eats dinner with family.

His routine revolves around this meal, which gives him the energy and focus he needs for the day. During this period, he eats and focuses on the following:

Healthy Dinner: Mark is highly focused on clean eating habits. Similar to the previous meal, he prefers a good balance of protein, vegetables/fruits, and healthy fats.

Family Sync: During dinner, Mark engages with his kids – sharing gossip, stories and preparing for other activities before going to bed.

Old Routine


Mark Wahlberg sleeps early to maintain the routine. He believes that a minimum of 7 to 8 hrs of sleep is critical for all human beings.

Early to Bed: Mark aims for at least 8 hours of uninterrupted sleep. He starts by dimming all lights and adjusting the room temperature before relaxing.

Maintaining Schedule: He has to maintain a consistent sleep routine to focus on workout sessions and manage overall wellness.

Recommended Sleep Supplement: Mark prefers consuming Ashwagandha tablets or Momentous Sleep Supplement Pack to support sleep.

Old Routine

What Can You Learn

  • Prioritize Sleep: Wahlberg used to wake up at 2:30 in the morning, but these days, he gets up between 3:30 and 4:00 in the morning.
  • Begin with a Purpose: Before the day begins, use this calm time to concentrate on yourself. Both meditation and prayer are effective strategies.
  • Eat Healthy: You’ll be well-positioned for success if your breakfast consists of protein, complex carbohydrates, and healthy fats.
  • Make a Movement: Exercise regularly is essential, but tailor your program to your fitness level and goals.
  • Recovery: Wahlberg uses cryotherapy for recovery. However, this may not be the right option for everyone. Listen to your body. See what suits you the most.
  • Time Your Deep Work: Set aside time to focus on your most important work when you won’t be distracted.
  • Make Time for Your Family: Spending time with your loved ones is important, no matter how busy you are.
  • Embrace Customization: Although Mark Wahlberg’s daily routine is rigorous, feel free to modify it to suit your requirements and tastes.


What does Mark Wahlberg’s routine diet look like?

Marks prefers a high-protein diet, including lots of healthy fats such as nuts. He eats several small meals throughout the day to fuel his workouts and maintain his energy levels.

How does Mark Wahlberg manage his time throughout the day?

Mark Wahlberg’s day is well-planned with specific time slots for prayer, workouts, meals, office work, family time, and muscle recovery. He believes in maintaining a strict schedule and following it for a long time.

What kind of workout routine does Mark Wahlberg follow?

Mark Wahlberg’s workout routine varies as per goals. It typically includes a mix of weight training, high-intensity interval training (HIIT), cardio exercises, and boxing.

What are some unique aspects of Mark Wahlberg’s daily routine?

Mark’s early waking-up routine and multiple daily workouts make this routine unique. In addition, he follows specific times for prayer and meditation.

Why should you follow Mark’s daily routine?

Mark Wahlberg’s daily routine will make you more disciplined and healthy in life. His early wake-up times and rigorous workouts are inspiring. In addition, following his schedule can help you manage time, boost energy, and maintain focus.


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