Bryan Johnson's Quotes

97+ Bryan Johnson’s (Don’t Die) Quotes & Sayings

Bryan’s most impactful self-learning quotes, offering powerful insights on “Don’t Die” campaign.

Curious about the “Don’t Die” vision of Bryan Johnson?

Many people are impressed by the results of Bryan Johnson’s routine and dedication to spreading knowledge on “Longevity.”

For your information, Bryan Johnson is an American entrepreneur, venture capitalist, writer, and author who has started multiple companies, such as Kernel and Braintree.

As of today, Bryan’s thoughts and advice show us how to push beyond our limits and make our big dreams come true.

You can also learn how his daily habits help him become a self-made millionaire.

There’s enough to learn and optimize.

Let’s skip to quotes about routine, longevity, and the don’t die mission said or mentioned by Bryan Johnson!

Bryan Johnson’s Quotes

“Existence is the highest virtue.”

“You are what you eat. You are how you sleep.”

“Death is our only foe.”

“We are Earth and AI.”

“High-quality sleep is among the most powerful and effective remedies available to you”

“Healthy habits make you more powerful. Bad habits make you less powerful.”

“The future is going to be amazing.”

“Never leave the decision to the moment.”

“If you had one cookie instead of two, you’re doing a good job.”

“Most people think technology is the most powerful; it’s actually philosophy. Don’t Die.”

“Life is more beautiful after a good night’s sleep.”

“Everything we are, everything we aspire to become, begins with our brain.”

“What we measure, we improve.”

“Sleep is really magic – It makes good things appear and bad things disappear.”

Every gadget I use enhances my longevity.”

“Death is currently a friend of culture, but it will soon become its enemy.”

“Be around 100 years from now. The future will be mind-bending.”

“We will surpass all sci-fi imaginations.”

“Do the hard work. Prioritize health. Revolt against Die culture. Dare to believe that now is the very beginning.”

“The most scary things are those that our eyes can’t see.”

“Sleep deprivation is brain damage.”

“Longevity is about to explode.”

“When it comes to your health, believe data and not stories.”

“Make sleep your number one priority and everything in your life will improve.”

“I’ve spent more time in an MRI than anyone in the world.”

“Cheat Day” is a virus that unfortunately spread and took hold before we built defenses to stop it.

“Peak intelligence is understanding you’re idiotic.”

“Asia is hungry for longevity.”

“By 2030, wanting to live to 120 will be seen as a modest goal.”

“Look at what can be done when you realize something is possible.”

“People want all good and bad things at the same time.”

“You’re going to be surprised when you figure out that being healthy is living life more fully than the self-destructive behaviours you romanticize.”

“Existence is the prize.”

“Squeeze in some exercise this morning to reset yourself.”

“At some point, you all are going to realize that staying alive is the ultimate game to play.”

“Nothing beats feeling great.”

“AI is improving faster than we can comprehend.”

“Get rid of alcohol.”

“Optimize your light.”

“The safest path to superintelligence is to eliminate death.”

“Political drama is akin to fast food, it’s addictive.”

“Self-destructive behaviours are slow-boil suicide.”

“You are what you think about when you have nothing to think about.”

“Justifications for death will fade until there are none.”

“Skinny is not better. Muscle will help you live longer.”

“Improve your sleep and read a book before bed.”

“Remember the present is loud but soft to history.”

“I’m really excited for the future.”

“Sleep deprivation hurts. Being overweight sucks. Junk food creates misery.”

“If you’re not in the mood to focus, focus until you’re in the mood.”

“The future always seems absurd to the present.”

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Routine quotes to follow for inspiration.

Longevity quotes and sayings by top don’t die followers.

“8 hours of sleep is not a walk of shame but a stride of pride.”

“We may be the first generation to not die.”

“You can conquer existence through belief, power, by letting go or not dying.”

“Health is becoming social status.”

“Don’t give yourself a choice. Exercise today.”

“My final meal of the day is at 11 am.”

“My results are better than the average 18-year-old.”

“Sleep is your #1 life priority. Fight for it as hard as anything else you do in life.”

“On average, you will take 672,768,000 breaths in your life.”

“Sleep is for the weak” is one of the most destructive ideas in existence.”

“No one complains about feeling great.”

“There are no ugly men, only lazy men.”

Hope you loved the quote mentioned by Bryan Johnson!

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